Field Sales

Optimize your Salespeople in the Field

Planning and direction are crucial when it comes to optimizing your sales force in the field, which is why you need to digitalize Field Sales.

Gain Perspective and More Control in a Busy Work Life

The first step towards a successful sales force in the field is getting them out there. It sounds obvious, but for many sales units, this is a genuine challenge.

It takes careful planning and a detailed overview to prevent salespeople from wasting time behind their desks and spend it on the road instead. And it requires direction and control to ensure that they spend their time with customers efficiently and on the right tasks. Enter Field Sales.

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"We've done it before and we really want to help you too. You can contact me at +45 27 64 68 44, or have us contact you."

Sten Grønning, Business Development Manager

Field Sales Optimizes Along Several Parameters

You can optimize the workday for your sales force in many ways with our Field Sales solution, for example:

  • Get a comprehensive overview of customers, visit reports and history, and an efficient work tool for planning, managing, controlling, and reporting.
  • Save time on administrative tasks and spend the time with the customers instead. And all tasks can be executed immediately, quickly, and efficiently.
  • Get an overview of the range of products in each store, and plan the salesperson’s visits to the stores at regular intervals, so you can trim the sales areas yourself.
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