The successful Danish IT consultancy house Delegate will implement some changes in the executive management.
Moving forward, Mads Højborg and Peter Østergaard, who have so far been responsible for Delegate Vest and Øst, respectively, will share the CEO role between them.
Delegate’s current CEO, Jakob Schou, is promoted to CEO Nordics and Head of Software Development at Broad Horizon, which Delegate joined in September 2020. In this capacity, he will be responsible for the Nordic region as well as the companies Iquality, Sulava, Projectum, and Delegate in the Broad Horizon group and, not least, for further acquisitions.
Samtidig forfremmes Helle Sasser, der hidtil har været CFO for Delegate til CFO Nordics i Broad Horizon. Hun skal sammen med Jakob Schou varetage Norden og Iquality, Sulava, Projectum og Delegate i gruppen, der på nuværende tidspunkt tæller 1.200 medarbejdere fordelt på 11 specialiserede Microsoft-huse i Europa.
“It has been a privilege to work with all the “Delegaters” for the past six years. I am proud that together we have managed to keep our “nærvær” despite expanding so much as we have. It is a testament to the special spirit at Delegate. I will continue to have my roots in Delegate and a seat on the board to ensure continuity. But now I am also looking forward to taking responsibility for the entire Broad Horizon group growing in the same way as Delegate has – with people in focus and solid finances,” says Jakob Schou.
Delegate was founded by Thomas Quistgaard in 2006 as a Microsoft consultancy house. The focus from the beginning has been on creating one of the best workplaces in the IT industry based on somewhat old-fashioned values such as “nærvær”, reciprocity and recognition.
The constant focus on employees has meant that, since 2013, Delegate has ranked in the top 3 among IT companies on the Great Place to Work list of the best workplaces every year. In 2022, the global consulting and analysis company even recognized Delegate as Best IT Workplace in Denmark and Best Workplace in Denmark for Women across all categories.
Delegate, which, for many years, has been recognized as one of the strongest Microsoft partners in Denmark, currently has 200 employees and recently opened an office in the Netherlands. In recent years, Delegate has been the driving force in Broad Horizon’s acquisition of Projectum in Denmark, Sulava in Finland, and Iquality in the Netherlands – a total of more than 400 colleagues with strong common values, a common focus on Microsoft’s technologies, and with large companies as their clients.
”Delegates medarbejdere har skabt en fantastisk udvikling og en særlig kultur, hvor kontinuerlig vækst går hånd i hånd med en rekordhøj trivsel. Det er et eksempel til inspiration. Delegates tilgang kan udvikle og skabe synergier på tværs af Broad Horizon-familien, og derfor er jeg meget glad for, at Helle og Jakob nu får et større ansvar i hele gruppen,” siger CEO i Broad Horizon, Jean‑Yves Charlier.
Peter Østergaard og Mads Højborg, der fremover deler CEO-posten i Delegate mellem sig, har arbejdet tæt sammen gennem de seneste fem år i Delegate som direktører for henholdsvis Øst og Vest Danmark. Mads Højborg vil primært fokusere på den danske del af forretningen, mens Peter Østergaard også bliver involveret i en række af de muligheder, der er for Delegate i en international koncern, herunder det nystartede kontor i Holland.
With the prospect of Helle and Jakob spending less time in Delegate, the new co-CEO, Mads Højborg, says: “We still have an insanely strong team in the company, which will ensure that we continue to develop Delegate and our workplace, while always keeping Quistgaard’s ideas of “nærvær”, reciprocity and recognition in mind together with the unique experience for both employees and customers.”
Peter Østergaard says: “I look forward to continuing the fantastic development of Delegate together with Mads Højborg, while at the same time strengthening our international business, where we experience a growing demand for our services.”
For further information, please contact:
Broad Horizon, Jakob Schou, tlf. + 45 2333 7500. You can also find more information at
Broad Horizon tæller i dag 1.200 medarbejdere og er skabt på baggrund af flere forskellige virksomheder som alle har Microsoft tilfælles. Hovedkontoret er lokaliseret i Holland. Hvert selskab i gruppen er hver især specialister indenfor områderne Data & AI, Workplace, Cloud & Infra og Business Apps. Broad Horizon bygger på filosofien om, at sammen er vi stærkere end hver for sig. Broad Horizon gruppen tæller True, DMP, PINK Elephant, Cmotions, Underlined, Focus enterprise solutions, GAC, Delegate, Projectum, Sulava og Iquality.
Delegate blev stiftet i 2006 og tæller i dag 200 medarbejdere fordelt på kontorer i Virum, Aarhus og Aalborg og Holland. Delegate rådgiver danske virksomheder og organisationer i forhold til digital transformation og leverer forretningskritiske IT–løsninger baseret på Microsofts platform inden for bl.a. Big Data, IoT, Machine Learning, Azure, Modern Workplace, Business Application og Customer Experience Management. Blandt kunderne er store danske virksomheder og flere offentlige styrelser. I 2021 vandt Delegate prisen som årets danske Microsoft-partner og har løbende vundet en lang række Microsoft-priser, og i 2022 er Delegate blevet hædret som både Danmarks Bedste Arbejdsplads i IT-branchen og Danmarks Bedste Arbejdsplads for kvinder på tværs af alle kategorier.
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