Clever is developing their business in private and publicly accessible charging stations, and the company is experiencing exponential growth. This development puts significant demands on their backend systems. However, the electric vehicle industry still needs to mature with better communication protocols, fragile firmware implementations in charging stations, and occasionally poor connectivity. This results in overall very low data quality, which is why Clever wants a new CPMS (backend system).
Delegate and Clever have started the development of a new CPMS, where Delegate has used Azure technologies to provide a framework to connect IoT sensors to each charging station to provide data insights for software implementations.
This has reduced the time it takes to complete installations by up to 20%, while users are not affected by the software updates that Clever implements several times a day.
With Data Lake, Clever now stores charging station data and can easily use the stored data for reporting, refunds, and billing transactions.
"All the things that were challenging and time-consuming before are much easier now with Data Lake."
- Jonas Thomsen, CIO at Clever
Clever also now has three front servers running in App Service for charging station communication, and Clever's acute problem of scalability is minimized as each server can handle 10,000 charging stations.
With Delegate's solution, Clever has minimized errors, disruptions, and inefficiencies and has accelerated its business growth. Clever has obtained a scalable and secure system that is stable, easy to maintain, and flexible regarding further expansions and integrations.
Since 2017, Clever's annual revenue has increased by more than 700%, and with about twice the staff, they now have almost seven times more customers today than they did a year ago. The number of new customers during March 2020 was equivalent to the number of new customers in one day in March 2021.
"At the end of 2018, it took about 50 minutes to process and activate one B2B customer. Today, the same task takes about a minute, a huge reduction."
- Henrik Skyggebjerg, Head of Communications and Public Affairs at Clever
With Delegate's help and their deliberate selection and use of synergistic Microsoft technologies, Clever can support this growth and scale on demand to ensure business development.
"You can only sustain this kind of growth by either hiring a gazillion people or scaling out on the IT. And Clever isn't hiring 700% more people."
– Morten Fritsch, Director at Delegate
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