We need role models to get more

women in IT.

Anne Sofie Flyvbjerg Hansen, Consultant

Women in IT

Fra 2019 til 2023 er antallet af optagne kvinder på landets it-uddannelser steget svagt, og i 2023 udgør kvinder 33 procent af de optagne på landets IT-uddannelser. So the development is going in the right direction, although it is still slow.

It looks different when we look at the number of female consultants. In the consulting industry as a whole, only 13.5 percent of top leaders are women, while 36 percent of consultants are women. In addition, women leave the consulting industry more quickly again.

Prejudices and lack of role models are a hindrance

At Delegate, we make a significant effort to create a working environment that provides the opportunity to balance work and family life. In fact, we don't refer to it as work-life balance, but rather life balance because all aspects of life should be in harmony. For example, we offer full flexibility to plan your day, so you can pick up your children early and work on your computer in the evening. We also offer the opportunity to work from anywhere.

However, the numbers speak for themselves, and at Delegate we have a lot of work to do to tell a different story to women in the IT industry than the one about endless overtime and lack of flexibility.

On this page, we therefore feature a series of portraits of women in Delegate, because we believe that clear role models are necessary if we are to retain and attract women in the IT industry and thereby ensure qualified labor in the future. New portraits will be added continuously.

Microsoft Partner Pledge: Diversity and Inclusion
IT plays a crucial role in the development of our society today, and therefore we need diversity among IT employees. With our portraits of female delegates, we aim to create clear role models that can inspire women to pursue a career in IT, and thereby create a more equal distribution of men and women in the industry.

You can read more about the Microsoft Partner Pledge here.

You don’t need to send an application...

Book an informal and confidential meeting (Teams meeting) with one of our Talent Acquisition Specialists Sofie or Julie. We are ready to explore your options at Delegate – and of course everything stays confidential.