Take a digital quantum leap and gather citizen inquiries and case management in one standard platform.

Dynamics | Webinar

Is your organization experiencing an increasing volume of citizen inquiries? A customer service that is digitally detached from other professional units in the organization? And a case management that is becoming more and more complex - and where backlogs on the same case create challenges in customer service?

Join Delegate's webinar and get inspired by how Danish unions have transformed case management for both their members and customer service with Microsoft Dynamics as a platform for digitalization.

Hear how Krifa has reduced dependency on legacy systems and unified the entire case overview so that its members meet one Krifa when they are served.

What you get out of attending the webinar

Strategic insights:
Hear why Danish unions choose Microsoft Dynamics as their development platform for member management in customer service.

Rapid gain realization:
Gain insight into how IT can quickly reap low-hanging fruit while gaining a standard platform that can be adapted to the organization's digitalization journey.

Coherence and value:
Discover how standard functionality, custom development, and integration options easily come together in the platform to create a cohesive and valuable experience for citizens, the organization, and the IT department.

The trade union Krifa has over 180,000 members and was voted "Denmark's best customer service" in 2023.

"Microsoft Dynamics is now a platform with broad applicability and great scalability. I hope you will join the webinar and get inspired for your digitalization journey."

Erica Lundsfryd, Public Lead, Delegate

Practical info

Date: Thursday, August 29, 2024

Time: 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Rune Daub, Solution Provider, Delegate
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