Business Continuity
We're here to support you, even after the implementation. Your company’s IT solutions must be maintained continuously and developed to ensure your company is based on a solid technological foundation.
We Have Got Your Back – Also After Implementation

Our work does not stop when your IT solution is implemented - here Business Continuity takes over, ensuring ongoing maintenance and further development of your solution.

Our Business Continuity team consists of a group of consultants who know more than most. Their areas of focus span wide, and include custom solutions, SharePoint Online, complex on-premises Dynamics 365 solutions, and monitoring through Application Insights.

Our Business Continuity solution ensures dedicated and guaranteed monthly consultant hours for development, coordination, and status, providing you with financial predictability and transparency.

Business Continuity on Subscription

You can choose Delegate’s Business Continuity at 30, 60, 90 or 120 hours per month and at a fixed monthly price. This means that you know exactly what the subscription will cost you on both a monthly and an annual basis.

If you have not used up all your hours in one month, the hours are automatically added to the next month. We take stock of the hours every six months, and it is always possible to purchase extra hours if necessary.

BC 30

Minimum contract term:
24 months

Dedicated hours:
30 hours per month

3 months

BC 60

Minimum contract term:
24 months

Dedicated hours:
60 hours per month

3 months

BC 90

Minimum contract term:
24 months

Dedicated hours:
90 hours per month

3 months

BC 120

Minimum contract term:
24 months

Dedicated hours:
120 hours per month

3 months

With Business Continuity, you pay for our consultants’ time on an agreed number of dedicated hours per month, and you get a guarantee that we can deliver the agreed hours every month. You also get access to a platform where you can report tasks on an ongoing basis. We will, of course, provide coordination and management of both issues and change requests. You will receive a monthly status regarding the collaboration on your IT solution, and we will advise on the most relevant and new initiatives on the market regarding your solution.


Book an initial conversation with Head of Application Management, Jannie Guldbrandsen.
Start your next project with us