Women in IT: Emilie Kvist Bjergvang
Meet Emilie Kvist Bjergvang, Senior Consultant at Delegate, and learn more about what it's like to be a woman in IT.
Women in IT: Camilla Holmstoel Andreasen
"IT is about interest and ability, not gender."
Women in IT: Maja Harsberg
"It is possible to have a successful career part-time."
Shukriya Bile: From nurse to software engineer
Shukriya Bile is Associate Consultant at Delegate, studying software engineering in her 7th semester. But unlike her fellow students, she has already completed one degree and has eight years of experience as a nurse.
Women in IT: Kia Boesen Thomsen
"IT is about creating value for users"
Women in IT: Jeanne Grundtvig Theander Laisbo
”Det, der driver mig, er at skabe meningsfuld forandring gennem ledelse og optimering af processer.”
Women in IT: Julie Langdal Andersen
”Min passion ligger i værdiskabelsen mellem teknik og forretning”
Women in IT: Lilian Stenholt Thomsen
"I love technology and technical challenges."
Women in IT: Elisabeth Niemeyer Laursen
"I was sure that I was going to be a jewelry designer"
Women in IT: Frida Andreasen
“I want to improve the digital workday for many people”