AI Workshop

Swiftly transition from an idea to a PoC proposal.

The business value of AI in a given organization takes time to derive as the possibilities with AI are almost endless.

Delegate has built a structured process that both educates and investigates together with our client how to create value by using AI.

The following slides describes Delegates approach. In close collaboration with an organization or business unit, Delegate steers and delivers workshops to create a vision and suggestion for a PoC enabling AI in your company. We call this process the "AI ideation process".

Kom i gang med dit næste AI projekt

Do you want to brainstorm and get inspired, or are you considering booking a workshop? Reach out directly to our Chief AI Officer, Erik David Johnson at +45 26 37 52 58, or let us get in touch with you.

See our top 5 tips on how best to use AI in your business.

Swiftly transition from an idea to a PoC proposal.

Delegate's AI ideation process is an AI ideation process that brings the organization from business ideas to a clearly defined AI use case, complete solution architecture, and a proposed PoC within three days.

Delegates AI ideation process

To truly understand the potential of AI within your organization and support the AI ideation process fundamental AI knowledge must be achieved
Define how AI is utilized within your organization and investigate what is feasible to archive and what isn’t. Estimating the business value and prioritizing between the AI use cases.
Define input data, desired output and choose the corresponding AI model for the chosen AI use case(s).
Defining the architecture surrounding the AI model for the chosen use case and defining the one or more PoC based on.
Build the PoC defined within the previous step to validate the AI solution design.​
Once the PoC(s) have been built, the core components of the PoC are re-build into a fully production-grade MVP that is deployed​.

Identification of the most relevant AI use cases, along with the definition of KPIs (goals / value) for the selected use case. Typically within the business areas:

  • Sales and Marketing
  • Administration and case handling
  • Service
  • Economy

Description of the business process in which the first AI use case must be integrated, along with the identification of the involved stakeholders or users.

Delegate's AI Workshop – what to expect?

Session 1: Understanding AI methods and concepts
Purpose: Creating the understanding of AI necessary for defining AI use cases for the participant’s organization

Session 2: AI use case definition
Purpose: Create a series of prioritized AI use cases for your organization that have been validated by AI experts from delegate

Session 3: Define AI architecture
Purpose: Purpose: Define input data and desired output and choose the corresponding AI approach for the selected AI use case(s)

Session 4: Define AI solution architecture and PoC
Purpose: Defining the architecture surrounding the AI model for the chosen use case and defining one (or more) PoC(s)

Get a Masterclass in ChatGPT and Generative AI

Business leaders must understand what lies behind new AI technology, its long-term implications, ethical aspects, disruptive potential, etc. In Delegate, we offer a masterclass in ChatGPT and Generative AI, where you and a handful of your selected managers get an interactive session that gives you valuable insights into just this. 

Principal AI Specialist Erik David Johnson facilitates our masterclass. Erik David Johnson has a proven track record of implementing AI solutions in production and use today. He has done internationally recognized AI and language technology research and studied language, philosophy, ethics, and AI programming. 

Erik David Johnson is recognized for his ability to make knowledge about AI accessible and exciting, and in this masterclass, he will touch upon, among other things: 

  • Deep Learning, Generative AI, and other central AI-topics
  • How does ChatGPT work behind the scenes? 

  • What are the best ways to use it, and with what risks? 

  • What will the near and far future bring in this area? 


“Erik David Johnson combines a deep understanding of the workings of language with a unique technical talent. Here thereby manages to convey even the most complicated topics, such as AI and generative language models, like ChatGPT, in a way that everyone is able to grasp.”

-Sabine Kirchmeier, Former Director of the Danish Language Council, and President of EFNIL

Safe Implementation of ChatGPT at Delegate

By Peter Østergaard, Co-CEO in Delegate

AI technology is a freight train that's rumbling on relentlessly, unstoppable. It's here to stay; there's absolutely no doubt about that. This can be equally fascinating and terrifying, but instead of stepping aside, we at Delegate have chosen to hop aboard the train. Within a few days, all employees at Delegate have undergone their first training in ChatGPT.

AI-900: Microsoft AI Fundamentals

Value 790€ now only 100€

There is an enormous demand to learn about Azure AI solutions and understand the benefits they bring to business.

Stay updated on this course, which is being held by our sister company Sulava.

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