Modern Workplace

Knowledge Management

Engage with your knowledge

Engage with your knowledge

Today, organizations face an ever-increasing amount of data and information that can be difficult or overwhelming to manage. By leveraging your Microsoft applications and AI, you can optimize your organization's Knowledge Management and achieve the following benefits:

Increased efficiency

Improve organizational performance

Reduce redundant work processes

Improve decision-making

Ensure faster training of new employees

Increase customer/employee satisfaction

Common challenges - are you experiencing the same?

Time spent searching for information

Too many systems or different places to store information makes it difficult for employees to navigate and find the specific knowledge they need, leading to time-consuming searches and duplication of existing content.

Knowledge silos

In many organizations, knowledge is stored within teams or individuals instead of being shared across the organization. This creates knowledge silos where valuable expertise and knowledge is not shared across the organization.

Knowledge gaps for new employees

Training new employees and employees transitioning into new roles or projects requires many resources. Understanding a new organization's terminology, essential tasks, and culture can be challenging during onboarding, but easy and continuous access to knowledge allows employees to take on their new roles quickly.

No interaction with your data

In many organizations, knowledge is stored within teams or individuals instead of being shared across the organization. This creates knowledge silos where valuable expertise and knowledge is not shared across the organization.

User training in systems and tools

It can be difficult for employees to keep up with and utilize opportunities and functionality in a rapidly changing technological landscape. Many employees are not equipped to work smart in modern work tools for sharing and finding documents and may lack an overview of which tool to use for what.
Save time on searching for information
Optimize knowledge sharing among your employees

Organize your tools and maximize their potential

Let us help you

How do you manage knowledge and data in your business? Suppose you're experiencing some of the same challenges that other companies are facing. In that case, we can help you leverage your investment in the Microsoft platform and the potential of Open AI and Microsoft Copilot.

Teams, SharePoint, and the Viva platform are currently being developed at high speed and, with the proper setup and governance, are the backbone of your Knowledge Management. Combined with the latest AI technology from Microsoft, you can, for example, offer your employees a chat-based digital assistant they can have a dialog with when searching for information or performing work tasks.

At Delegate, we start with what value the tools will create for you before you use them.

Engage with your knowledge today

"We've done it before and we really want to help you too. You can contact me at +45 27 64 68 44, or have us contact you." Sten Grønning, Business Development Manager
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