Thyge Skødt Steffensen: From intern to permanent employee at Delegate

Thyge Skødt Steffensen started in 2020 as an intern at Delegate. After six months of internship, he switched to a part-time position as an Associate Consultant - a role he held until recently when he became a permanent employee in Delegate's Azure team. Therefore, transitioning from student life to the job market has been relatively straightforward.

When 25-year-old Thyge Skødt Steffensen graduated with a Master's degree in Information Technology from DTU this summer, he found himself from day one with a diploma in one hand and a full-time contract in the other, and it was a very familiar workplace. Although Thyge is a recent graduate, he has been with Delegate for almost four years, initially as an intern.

During his internship, he was involved in projects at DanChurchAid, where he worked with both Dynamics and Azure:

- I was primarily a developer, and at the end of the internship, I was given some tasks where I was also involved in designing the solution.

This helped him better understand how to implement and develop solutions that address specific challenges.

Thyge's internship and subsequent time as an Associate Consultant has made the transition from student to full-time employee seamless. Throughout his three years as a student assistant, he has gradually taken on more responsibility and complex tasks, creating a smooth transition to full-time work, with the most significant change being a return to a five-day work week, combined with the freedom of having weekends and evenings off.

"For many people, entering the workforce is probably tough for the first two to three months because there are so many new impressions, but I was able to skip the initial onboarding process and quickly become a productive part of the team."

Thyge Skødt Steffensen – Consultant, Delegate

On his first day as a permanent employee, he already had an understanding of Delegate's work environment, culture, and tasks, which removed many of the challenges new graduates can face:

- For many people, entering the workforce is probably tough for the first two to three months because there are so many new impressions, but I was able to skip the initial onboarding process and quickly become a productive part of the team.

Thyge has been looking forward to the new opportunities and challenges his permanent position would bring:

- But the biggest difference is probably that I get paid more, Thyge says with a smile about his expectations for life as a permanent employee.

Learn more about what it's like to be young at Delegate in this video with Thyge, recorded when he was still a student:
