En verden fuld af Copilot-træning
Copilot for Microsoft 365 Essentials
Får du nok ud af Copilot?
I Delegate er vi specialister i at hjælpe virksomheder med at udnytte det fulde potentiale af Microsoft Copilot. Uanset om du er ny til Copilot eller ønsker at optimere din nuværende brug, er vi eksperter i at sikre, at din virksomhed får mest muligt ud af jeres daglige AI-assistent.
Hvad får du og din organisation?

En abonnementstjeneste som hjælper din organisation med at implementere og anvende Copilot til Microsoft 365. Din organisation køber en abonnementsordning, hvor op til 60 kollegaer på samme tid kan tilgå den samme session. Der er til enhver tid op til 19 Copilot til Microsoft 365-sessioner at vælge i mellem, og hver session afvikles op til to gange om måneden.

Hvem er denne abonnementsordning til?

Målrettet organisationer, der foretrækker en fleksibel abonnementsmulighed til implementering og anvendelse af Copilot til Microsoft 365.

Hvordan fungerer abonnementsordningen?

Gennem dokumentation, skabeloner og en-til-mange-sessioner.

Øget effektivitet og produktivitet med Copilot

Med Copilot for Microsoft 365 Essentials får du og din organisation adgang til:

– Vejledning og dokumentation

– Copilot-træning for administratorer og end-users

– Fri adgang til træningssessioner

– Alle sessioner afholdes op til to gange hver måned.

Delegate er din ekspert i Microsoft Copilot
Som specialister i Microsoft-teknologier har vi den nødvendige viden og erfaring til at sikre en succesfuld implementering af Copilot. Vi tilpasser vores tjenester til dine unikke behov og mål, så du får den bedst mulige oplevelse. Fra den indledende rådgivning til løbende support er vi med dig hele vejen for at sikre, at du får maksimalt udbytte af Copilot.
Vi kan hjælpe din organisation, uanset hvor I er på jeres Copilot-rejse.

Abonnementsprisen er DKK 21.575 ex moms (tre måneders minimumsforpligtelse, en måneds opsigelsesvarsel herefter) og dækker over fri adgang til alle sessioner for op til 60 kollegaer på samme session samtidigt.

Sådan kommer du i gang

1. Du trykker på knappen ”køb abonnement”
2. Du udfylder og sender formularen
3. Vi sender en kontrakt til digital underskrift indenfor 1 time*
4. Herefter går det maksimalt 1 time*, inden du modtager en velkomstmail med alle nødvendige oplysninger
5. Du og din virksomhed er i gang.

*Indenfor normal arbejdstid.

Copilot Essentials

Sessionerne på Copilot for Microsoft 365 Essentials er opdelt i sessioner for end-users og for IT-konsulenter.
Udsnit af sessionerne rettet mod end-users:
  • Basistræning i Copilot for M365
  • Træning i, hvordan du opbygger succesrige prompts og M365-chat
  • Ledelsesinformation til at uddanne og inspirere C-niveau
  • Copilot i Excel
  • Copilot i Word
  • Copilot i PowerPoint
  • Copilot i Teams & Outlook.
Udsnit af sessionerne som er rettet mod IT-konsulenter:
  • M365 tenant tekniske forudsætninger for Copilot
  • Beskyttelse af informationer til sikker brug af Copilot for M365
  • Copilot for M365-udvidelser og integrationsmuligheder
  • Ansvarlig AI-vejledning til at guide end-users
  • Opbygning af en kommunikationsplan
  • Nyheder indenfor Microsofts AI-økosystem.

Alle sessioner gennemføres af vores søsterselskab Sulava og vil foregå på engelsk.

Technical pre-requirements for M365 Copilot deployment

IT department, Device management, M365 administrator – 1,5 hours

In this session, we will review the technical pre-requirements your organization’s tenant needs to meet to deploy Copilot for M365. The single most important item is the update cycle of M365 apps for enterprises (Office products).

After this session:
– You will understand the pre-requirements for deployment and the related dependencies.
– You will use the admin checklist to meet the requirements and deploy Copilot for M365.

Information protection and data security

IT department, information protection / security – 2 hours

In this session, we will provide a deeper understanding of how data is utilized in Copilot for M365. We will also focus on the steps organizations should take to meet the best practices regarding data security and lifecycle management.

After this session:
– You understand the necessary best practice steps to use Copilot for M365 securely.
– You will use the admin checklist to achieve best practices.
– You will understand and plan for beneficial but not immediately mandatory information protection capabilities.

Creating a responsible AI playbook

Core adoption team – 2 hours

In this session, we will discuss responsible AI from the perspectives of Microsoft, Copilot products, and individual employees. You will gain a better understanding of the types of questions organizations need to answer to use AI responsibly.

After this session:
– You will understand the terminology and concepts behind responsible AI.
– You will be able to identify the key questions your organization needs to answer.
– You will use our admin template to create a responsible AI playbook for your organization.

Leadership info

C-level executives and managers – 2 hours

This is a training session aimed at your organization’s leadership. The main goal is to give your leadership an understanding of generative AI, how to implement and measure success, and their role in the change. We will also review how Copilot for M365 fits into this and give inspirational demos.

After this session:
– Your leadership will be better aware of the change happening through Generative AI and will understand the capabilities better.
– The leadership will understand how Copilot works and what to expect.
– The leadership will know how to use the basics of Copilot for M365.

Creating a communications plan

Internal communications team 1,5 hours

In this session, we will walk you through building a successful communications plan to support the adoption of Copilot for M365. We will give step-by-step guidance on what, how, and when to communicate.

After this session:
– You will understand the best practices in building a successful communications plan.
– You will use our template and checklist to create a plan for your organization.
– You will have access to examples and support materials.

Copilot for M365 extensions and integration capabilities

Core adoption team – 1,5 hours

In this session, we will discuss the different ways in which Copilot for M365 can be extended to access data outside of M365. Extending Copilot for M365 is a way to integrate the capability into your other applications and ensure you get the most out of its potential.

After this session:
– You will understand how Copilot can be extended, including Graph connectors, message extensions, and Copilot Studio.
– You will get a template for analyzing and prioritizing different extension possibilities.

AI Evergreen

Core adoption team – 1,5 hours

In this session, we will review the latest news and releases in the Microsoft AI ecosystem. The content changes monthly.

After this session:
– Your team is aware of new features and releases.
– Your team is capable of adjusting your roadmap based on new information.

Copilot for M365 basic training

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To understand what generative AI is and what Copilot for M365 is. We will go through the basics of Copilot and quickly overview all applicable Copilot for M365 modules like Copilot chat and Copilot in Office products.

After this session:
– You will be able to start using and testing Copilot for M365.
– You have a basic understanding of generative AI and how Copilot for M365 works.

Prompt training with Copilot chat

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To understand the best practices of prompting. It is almost a form of art, and it is most important when we are searching for or creating content. Thus, we will focus more in-depth on Copilot chat.

After this session:
– You better understand the wide variety of use cases Copilot chat offers.
– You can create more efficient prompts to achieve your goals more quickly.

Copilot in Excel

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To dive deeply into the possibilities Copilot offers in Excel.

After this session:
– You know how to get the most out of Copilot in Excel.
– Know how to format tables and data with Copilot.
– Know how to analyze and add insights with Copilot.

Copilot in Word

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To deeply dive into the possibilities Copilot offers in Word.

After this session:
– You know how to get the most out of Copilot in Word.
– Know how to use Copilot to summarize and refine content.
– Know how to utilize Copilot in content creation.

Copilot in PowerPoint

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To dive deeply into the possibilities Copilot offers in PowerPoint.

After this session:
– You know how to get the most out of Copilot in PowerPoint.
– Know how to use Copilot to summarize and refine presentations.
– Know how to use Copilot to create presentations.

Copilot in Teams and Outlook

All licensed users – 1 hour

Training objective: To dive deeply into the possibilities Copilot offers in Teams and Outlook.

After this session:
– You know how to get the most out of Copilot in Teams and Outlook.
– Know how to summarize and refine content in Teams and Outlook discussions.
– Know how to draft responses in Teams and Outlook.

Køb abonnement

Abonnementsprisen er DKK 21.575 ex moms (tre måneders minimumsforpligtelse, en måneds opsigelsesvarsel herefter) og dækker over fri adgang til alle sessioner for op til 60 kollegaer på samme session samtidigt.
